Category: Yarra Valley

July 16, 2020
The Cool Australian Regions Crafting Lighter, Lower-Alcohol Wines
By: Christina Pickard, The Wine Enthusiast Associated with abundant sunshine, Australia may not be the place you turn for light, low-alcohol wines. But with 64 winemaking regions across a country…

November 18, 2019
2019 Wine Spectator Top 100
Wine Spectator’s Top 100 Wines of 2019 15,000 wines tasted.5 Australian wines in the top 100.Old Bridge Cellars represents 3 of them. # 2594 pts / Highly Recommended John Duval…

July 3, 2019
Making Waves
Australian vintners navigate a changing marketplace with a wide range of distinctive wines Wine SpectatorAugust 31, 2019By MaryAnn Worobiec Quality, consistency, value and diversity continue to be the hallmarks of…

May 25, 2018
The 2018 Australian Wine Vintage
What was the growing season like overall? BAROSSA: The growing season started off well, with the 2017 winter rainfall about 10% above average, continuing on the trend from the cooler…

October 5, 2017
Australian Wine Has Never Been Better
Australia Brings the Brawn and the Beauty Vinous October 5th by Josh Raynolds Australia produces as wide a range of high-quality wines as any country in the world, from almost…

October 2, 2017
Old Bridge Cellars Named as an Importer of the Year!
2017 Importers of the Year, Top 100 Wineries, Top 100 Wines Wine and Spirits 31st Annual Buying Guide Winter 2017 Top Importers of the Year Track records are important: They…

August 4, 2017
Top Honors for Mount Mary
Mount Mary Named Winery of the Year! James Halliday’s Australian Wine Companion 2018 In the second half of the 1960s, doctors in the Hunter Valley, Yarra Valley and Margaret River tentatively…

July 17, 2017
Australia: Not a Wine Country, a Wine Continent
Take Note: Real Australian Wine Is Here July 17, 2017 by Nick Stock Australia is no longer emerging. Australia is no longer a “one to watch.” Australia is here,…

October 28, 2015
McLaren Vale Grenache is the Winner
Announcing the Winners of the 2015 Somm Scavenger Hunt Wine & Spirits (website) October 27, 2015 Fifteen sommeliers, five regions, four grape varieties: this year’s W&S Sommelier Scavenger Hunt teams investigated the…

October 24, 2015
Australian Pinot Noirs You Should Be Drinking
Everything You Need to Know About Aussie Pinot Noir October 23, 2015 by Joe Czerwinski Want to counter all the negative stereotypes and caricatures of Australian red wines as…

July 17, 2015
Wine Spectator’s Australian Issue
Highs and Lows Down Under: Australian wines bounce back in 2012 with newfound diversity and sophistication Wine Spectator August Issue, 2015 by Harvey Steiman Vintage typically plays a secondary role…

March 25, 2015
Wine Spectator Insider Reviews Giant Steps and Brokenwood
Giant Steps and Brokenwood Whites Score 92 and 91 Wine Spectator Insider March 25, 2015 92 pts Giant Steps Yarra Valley Sexton Vineyard Chardonnay 2013 Bright, tangy, focused and complex,…

February 9, 2015
Innocent Bystander Pinot Gris – Simply Delicious
30 Great Offbeat Wines to Excite Your Palate February 2015 2013 Innocent Bystander Pinot Gris, Yarra Valley, Victoria, Australia Pinot Gris’ popularity is increasing, with more and more examples…

December 31, 2014
Wine Spectator Insider Highlights for 2014
Wine Spectator Insider Semi-Annual Report Wine Spectator Insider December 31, 2014 France, Italy and California, as usual, dominated the Insider reports of the second half of 2014, as all are enjoying…