Category: News

November 11, 2014
More Gold Medals For Dobbes Pinot Noir
The ‘Fifty Best’ Takes a Blind Look at Willamette Pinot Noir The November 2014 The Willamette Valley is Oregon’s leading wine region, with two-thirds of the state’s wineries and vineyards. It is…

November 7, 2014
OBC Features on List of Great and Unique Australian Wines
10 Reasons to Drink Australian Wine Enthusiast December, 2014 by Joe Czerwinski Finding great Australian wine in the U.S. is harder than it used to be. Hurt by sagging demand…

November 6, 2014
Scout Magazine Drinks “Awesome” Greywacke
Awesome Thing We Drank #680: 2012 Greywacke “Wild Ferment” Sauvignon Blanc Scout Magazine November 6, 2014 by Treve Ring In wine, there are two, widely separate camps: those who love…

October 23, 2014
The Maison L’Envoyé Team “Is on to Something”
The French Keep Coming Wine Spectator October 21, 2014 by Harvey Steiman It was a moment of validation for Oregon wine in 1987 when Robert Drouhin, patriarch of the Beaune-based…

October 22, 2014
John Duval Eligo: a Top 100 Cellar Selection for 2014
Top 100 Cellar Selections for 2014 Wine Enthusiast October 22, 2014 by The Editors of Wine Enthusiast In a culture focused on the here and now, patience is a fleeting virtue.…

October 22, 2014
Art Series Chardonnay is Wine Spectator Insider Hot Pick
Wine Spectator Insider October 22, 2014 At up to 98 points, red, white and sparkling wines from around the globe provide something for just about everyone in this week’s Wine…
October 10, 2014
Poggiotondo Highlighted in IWC’s Tuscany Reviews
Tuscany Part 1: Chianti, Vino Nobile and Supertuscans Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar September/October 2014 by Ian D’Agata For all intents and purposes, when it comes to wine, Tuscany is…

October 6, 2014
The Stump Jump Red is a Top 100 Best Buy of 2014
Top 100 Best Buys of 2014 Wine Enthusiast October 6, 2014 by The editors of Wine Enthusiast Most people would agree that the wine market is completely saturated. Every wine shop…

October 6, 2014
Winophilia on New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs
Seductive New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs from 2013 Steven Tanzer’s Winophilia October 6, 2014 by Josh Raynolds Classic non-oaked Sauvignon Blancs from New Zealand, especially those from Marlborough, are crisp and…

October 3, 2014
Alberto Antonini Recalls Winemaking of the Past
Winemakers make a U-turn The Financial Times October 3, 2013 by Jancis Robinson In my little puddle of vinous life I am becoming aware of the most massive U-turn on…

October 1, 2014
Vibrant Shiraz From John Duval and Yeringberg
John Duval and Yeringberg Feature in Wine Spectator Insider Wine Spectator Insider October 1, 2014 The revolution in Australian Shiraz (not to mention Shiraz blends) has been well underway for…

September 23, 2014
Platinums for OBC at Sommelier Challenge
The Sixth Annual Sommelier Challenge Results Are In! International Wine Competition Sommelier Challenge September 20/21, 2014 The sixth annual Sommelier Challenge took place in San Diego over the 20th and…

September 22, 2014
Wine & Spirits Top 100 Wineries Announced
Old Bridge Cellars’ Wineries Triumph in W&S Top 100 Wine & Spirits September 2014 Releases from Leeuwin Estate, Giant Steps and d’Arenberg rank in the top 1% of wines tasted by…

September 22, 2014
Wine Enthusiast Looks South in November Issue
November Buying Guide Wine Enthusiast November 2014 The Wine Enthusiasts reviews Chile and New Zealand in the upcoming November Buying Guide issue. Greywacke‘s intriguing Wild Sauvignon and the Chilcas 2013…