May 25, 2017
Mathew Jukes’ Australian Winery of the Year is Leeuwin!
First Look: 100 Best Australian Wines Report Daily Wine News 24th of May, 2017 The 100 Best Australian Wines initiative continues to evolve at a fast pace. The Roadshow tastings,…

June 6, 2014
List of 100 Best Aussie Wines Touts 7 from OBC
100 Best Australian Wines 2014/15 by Matthew Jukes 11th Edition In the 11th Edition of Matthew Jukes’ 100 Best Australian Wines, 7 wines are imported exclusively by Old Bridge Cellars.…
June 4, 2014
Greywacke Climbs the Ranks of Great NZ Pinot Noir
The Seventh Great New Zealand Pinot Noir Classification 2014 by Matthew Jukes and Tyson Stelzer Just five years from its founding, Greywacke has been promoted from 2 stars to 3…