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July 9, 2015

Maison L’Envoyé: a Great Intro to Burgundy ‘Climats’

Why You Should Visit Burgundy Now (and 5 Great Wines to Drink if you Can’t) Food & Wine (online) July 8, 2015 by Ray Isle There have long been a number…

June 4, 2014

Fire Up the Grill with Affordable Stump Jump Red

5 Affordable Grill-Friendly Wines Food & Wine June 4, 2014 by Ray Isle Grilling season is here the weather’s warm, the charcoal is available, and with any luck you’ve delegated…

February 11, 2014

Innocent Bystander Pinot: An”Exceptional” Aus. Wine

Five Exceptional New Australian Reds by Ray Isle February 10, 2014 Australia is arguably the world’s most dynamic wine region right now, says F&W’s Ray Isle, who spent weeks hopping…